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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Not much of a cliffhanger

Friday's episode of General Hospital didn't really have that cliffhanger ending, but there was a lot I really enjoyed about this episode - particularly Lucky and Michael's scenes.

The way Lucky approached Michael at the Quartermaine Boathouse was great; he was neither threatening nor passive.

Lucky simply spoke to Michael as a young man, not a little child. I enjoyed the fact that Lucky asked Michael to give him the details of what happened the night Claudia died from his account without having anyone else there to try and change the story. I admired that about Lucky because it gave the detective the opportunity to hear Michael's confession without someone trying to protect the young killer.

Lucky and Michael have not had the best of relationships since Michael woke from his year long coma, but Michael seemed really comfortable talking to Lucky about what happened the night Claudia was killed.

What was even better was Lucky told Michael he had to take him to the courthouse, but it was Michael's decision whether or not he wanted to tell the judge what really happened on that fateful night. The chance is something not one other person in his life had given Michael.

Sonny, Jason, Carly, Johnny and even Jax have allowed Sonny to take the blame for the night Claudia died, without giving Michael any choice whatsoever. Dante upon learning the truth decided the truth was more important than Sonny being convicted of a crime he didn't commit.

I was even more thrilled when Lucky used his authority and pulled his gun on Jason. While I've enjoyed some of Jucky's conversations about Liz and the children I really never understood how they all of a sudden became friends. That was definitely a WTF moment for me.

Lucky and Jason have been at odds since Lucky returned from the fire and when he found out Jake was actually Jason's child it fueled the feud even more, then all of a sudden out of no where, they were best buds - umm, yeah not gonna happen.

I also enjoyed watching Claire all flustered when Dante was telling his story and detailing Michael's confession to the judge. I hope this does ruin Claire's career and it gets her off my screen!

I'm looking forward to Monday's episode to see what happens between Lucky, Jason and Michael; the scenes between Dante and Sonny and of course Carly and Lulu.

Heading into May sweeps; GH has a lot of important story arcs on the canvas and so far the only one boring me to tears is the one involving Elizabeth and her third bastard child.


  1. I totally loved Friday's episode, but you're right about the cliffhanger.

    The one comment from Lucky about Michael being a Quartermaine after all had me thinking that maybe there's a foreshadowing concerning Michael and the Qs. The fact that Michael chose the Q's boathouse to hide just adds to the feeling I have about where GH is taking Michael in the near future. I could be wrong.

    Maybe Michael is going to end up interacting more with his biological family and I wonder if that would maybe have Michael struggle with staying on the right side of the law or still wanting to go into the mob business (as how DG played it). I would love for Michael to start pondering and exploring more his biological roots, and have him struggling with what he's known all his life (the mob life) and what could be if he had grown up with the Qs in his life...

    Plus the mention also that he's going to college soon... I think GH is definitely taking Michael into a whole new direction and I am loving it because CD plays him so well!

    He shows compassion, vulnerability, maturity, with a much needed softer side, and his brother love to his siblings was so engaging to watch.

  2. I have missed your absence and the wonderful blogs. Hope you come back soon to blogging about GH.
