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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Liz finally gives me a reason to like her

If you've read my blog in the past, you know that I have hated Rebecca Herbst and her character Elizabeth Webber since the first day she stepped into Port Charles.

But, in the wake of Jake's death and Aiden's paternity reveal both the actress and the character have begun to win me over.

For months Liz has been tortured by the death of her second son and also the secret of Aiden's true paternity. Unfortunately, Robert Guza penned the story of Jake's demise with the focus being solely on Lucky Spencer and his father Luke and Jake's biological father, Jason Morgan. For some reason Guza did not find it necessary to include Liz in her own storyline, the storyline that needed to be showcased from a mother's point of view.

In reality, the story of Aiden's paternity started when Lucky found out then fiance Liz was cheating on him with his own half-brother, Nikolas Cassadine. Liz was hoping that Lucky would be Aiden's father, a fact known to all those involved in the triangle and of course, Nik's evil grandmother Helena - the matriach of the Cassadine clan who wanted her family fued with the Spencer's to continue at all costs.

Helena actually had two paternity tests changed to show that Nik was the father of Liz's unborn child, but after Aiden was born and began to to resemble Lucky more than Nik, Liz decided to have a third test done on the little tyke. Ironically, Liz had stated how much Jake was starting to resemble Jason before the youngster was killed.

Liz, going with her gut, had the third test done and was reading the results when Jake walked out the front door.

Liz was not only torturing herself for cheating on Lucky in the first place with Nik, she began to torture herself for not paying attention to Jake.

When Liz finally got around to reading the results, Lucky was at the courthouse marrying Siohban, so Liz rushed over there, results in hand but at the last minute decided to let Lucky move on with his life.

Again, the single mother began to torture herself on whether or not to tell the truth about Aiden's paternity. She wasn't keeping the secret to intentionally hurt anyone, she simply didn't want to cause Lucky any more pain as his world crumbled down around him. It wasn't until Lucky set the Spencer home on fire and Siohban injured in the same blaze did Liz decide it was time to give Lucky something to be happy about.

Naturally, Lucky did not believe Liz when she first explained what she learned and why she had kept it a secret, but eventually he relented and relished the idea of finally having a biological son.

Nik, on the other hand, threw Liz's past in her face, as well as Lucky's stating she's lied before why was this time any different? He also said Liz wanted Lucky to be the father and as a nurse she had the means to change the results.

Personally, I don't blame Nik because in reality, when Liz was pregnant with Cameron she told Ric he was the father when in fact Zander was, and then lied again about Jake's paternity to both Lucky and Jason, eventually Liz came clean with Jason but asked him to give up his rights so Lucky could raise Jake as his own and in the end all three agreed Jake would be better off with Liz and Lucky than Jason being a part of his life.

Though Liz showed a lot of growth in the wake of Jake's death it wasn't until she called her former swarn emeny, Samantha McCall, to her house that Liz to me really grew up in my opinion.

The two woman have never been friends, but when they went to the cabin in the woods to escape from the Russian mob, Liz and Sam forgave each other for their past actions and in a way became friendly with each other.

But the way Liz told Sam about Aiden's paternity really told me how much I could admire the character of Liz. Liz did not and does not owe Sam or Jason an explanation when it comes to Aiden's paternity. The way Liz told the story and brought up her past lies showen me that Liz had truly accepted responsibility for her actions in the lies that destroyed Sam and Jason, and her marriage to Lucky. She also told the sassy brunette that she could see why Sam was so compatiable with the mob enforcer - they are the "two least judgemental" people she's ever met.

But not only did Liz grow, Sam herself admitted for the umteenth time that she's lied in the past and done things she's not proud of.

What I can't understand is why the characters can EVOLVE, GROW and MOVE ON but some fans can't... There are so many fans out there that feel they deserve their couple because they've waited long enough over another couple simply because they like their couple better than another. And before WWIII starts, I'm not talking just about Liason or JaSam fans, I'm talking about CarSon fans, S&B fans, SpiXie fans, LL2 fans and the list goes on and on.

If one of the main reasons you hate a character or couple is because you feel your favorite character or couple was destroyed because of the one you hate, but then your fave forgives said hated person, shouldn't we as fans also EVOLVE, GROW and MOVE ON?

We all know this is a fictional show with fictional characters, right? We all know this is not reality. Liz is not your sister, friend or lover - neither is Sam, Jason, Lucky or Sonny.

Why can the characters do all these things, yet fans would rather be angry all the time than move on with the growth of the show?

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