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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lulu: Can she find herself?

What has happened to Luke and Laura's daughter? She certainly does not have any resemblance of her mother.

Laura would never defend Luke's role in what happened to Jake. Laura would never simply forgive Elizabeth for pitting her two sons against each other, regardless of who blamed who.

Laura would never ask Lucky or anyone else to compromise upholding the law to make Lulu feel better by divulging information pertaining to a case. Laura would have faith in her son, Lucky, and support him rather than berating him for accepting a challenging case.

Laura would never have lied to Lucky about the real paternity of Jake and act as a go between for Elizabeth and Jason the way Lulu did.

Watching Lulu list the reasons (actually lies) that has her breaking up with Dante simply reinforced why I hate/despise/loathe her so much. While I don't think Dante is completely innocent in some of the lies; Lulu HAS to respect his position as a cop if she has any respect for him at all. Where does Lulu get her holier than thou attitude anyway? Oh, that's right from her "other" role model Carly. Lulu lied and schemed to break-up GQ. She allowed Johnny to cover up her role in the death of Scotty Baldwin's son and Lulu's ex-boyfriend Logan.

Lulu even went screaming to Carly the night Michael was shot in the head to protect her then boyfriend Johnny- gee, didn't Carly get raked over the coals for going to Jason the night Jake was killed to ask him for Jake's kidney's for her offspring? Yup, Lulu is the mini-Carly. Then, when Dante tried to do the right thing by getting Michael to confess to Claudia's murder- which he did to protect his mom and new sister, Lulu again ran to Carly to protect Dante when Michael was sent to prison.

Lulu needs to find herself and become her own person before she becomes friendless in PC. I'm surprised even Maxie is still talking to her. Gee, again mini-Carly. The only friend Carly ever truly had was Courtney and that's because she was Sonny's sister. Who is Lulu's one and only true friend??

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