But if GH were to end in six months or a year - how would it end? I don't know for sure, but I have some ideas and thoughts on what I'd like to see and/or what I think will happen.
Let's start with the man, the myth, the legend- mob Kingpin, Michael "Sonny" Corinthos. Will Sonny die at the hands of a rival mob family or ride off into the sunset with one of his many lady loves? What I want to see happen is for Sonny to fake his own death again (remember he did it when Alcazar first came to town) and end up on one of his private islands with his one true love - Brenda Barrett Corinthos, her son Alec and their daughter Stella. I also think most if not all of that will actually come true. Both Maurice Benard and Vanessa Marcil Giovinazzo have stated they would do everything in their power to make S&B be together in the end.

This week Jason Morgan and Samantha McCall are getting married. The popular couple, JaSam, often rivals one of Jason's past pairings, Liason.
The fan base wars between both are completely ridiculous considering they are fictional characters on a show, but I digress.
With the upcoming nuptials, JaSam are heading in the direction that many fans expect them to head. The couple has been together for seven years minus the Summer of Sleaze when several characters and couples were destroyed in an agenda driven plot by former head writer Bob Guza.
But if GH were to end in six months to a year would Jason and Sam still be married? I believe they will and I believe they will have a child of their own, something they have both wanted for a very long time but were always afraid to admit it.

They both realize that a relationship between them could never work because in reality, they just don't fit into each other's lives.
But what does happen to Liz. Liz has told Robin and several other people that she is in fact still in love with former husband and fiance Lucky Spencer, but she has a budding friendship with Matt Hunter forming. What I would love to see happen is for Liz and Matt to form a true bond beyond friendship and allow Liz to be in a relationship where she is treated like an equal not someone that needs rescuing all the time.
Not too mention, I'm tired of the self-destructive relationship between LL2, unfortunately what I hope will happen won't because for some reason I believe TPTB are going to reunite LL2 for the millionth time.

She claims to hate Sonny because he "murdered" Jax, yet she knows that Jax is a live and well and ironically, even though she didn't approve of Sonny's methods, she was in fact the one that unleashed Sonny on Jax. She went to Sonny crying that Jax was suing her for custody of their daughter, but then she called Sonny out on his actions. Umm, the woman was married to Sonny four times what exactly did she think was going to happen?
Carly will either end up with Jax in the end or alone and personally after all the crap she's pulled, I'm hoping for the latter. Carly barks at every woman in Jason's life because he's her best friend. She knows no boundaries when it comes to Jason and she does the same thing to Sonny - even when she claims to hate him she still thinks she's the only one that's able to live with him and tolerate his actions even though all of a sudden she claims Jax was the best thing to happen to her.
Then we have the Davis girls, will Alexis finally find a man to make her trust in love again? Will Kristina truly win over her hearts desire- Ethan? And will Molly ever see her father again? I'm sorta hoping that if GH were to end in six months or a year that TPTB would some how, some way get Wally Kurth to reprise his role of Ned and finally reunite him with Alexis. Call me sentimental but I loved classic Ned and Alexis more than I loved classic Ned and Lois.

There are many more characters and families that would be impacted at the end of GH, like the Quartermaines, Scorpio-Drakes, Luke and Tracy, Lante, SpiXie and so much more. Will the Qs all be killed off? Will Luke and Tracy remain married or would Luke reunite with the other half of daytime's first super couple- Laura? Will Robin and Patrick stay married? Would Robin die of her HIV status? Will Dante and Lulu stay together and end up married or will Lulu reunite with her first true love - Johnny? Will the Zaccara's get killed off by Sonny's men or if Sonny were to fake his death would the Zs then control mob activity in PC? Would Maxie actually marry her non-husband Spinelli or would she fight for her current boyfriend Matt? Could Maxie actually realize she still loves Lucky and once again make a play for him?
What do you think? How would you like to see General Hospital end? What do you see playing out for the characters and couples?
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