As awful as this may sound, I am so intrigued with what the writers may have in store for us that I'm truly fascinated by what is transpiring on my screen.

Chad Duell is doing a great job portraying a rape victim and the story, while harsh to hear and view, is more realistic than when Jax was raped by Irena or whatever her name was.
Unfortunately, inmates are raped everyday in prison and GH is taking a chance in turning away viewers in utter disgust with Michael coming clean about what Carter really did to him in prison.
I just hope TIIC don't drop the ball with this one and actually tell the story to its fullest. Meaning, I want to see Michael in therapy explaining what has been going on with him; I want to see Michael continue to struggle with his feelings about what happened to him and continue to lash out at those around him when he has a memory and/or is startled by something or someone. I really hope TIIC don't simply say, 'Okay, Michael has told the people who care about him most so he's all better now.' That to me would be such an injustice to the s/l and prove that Robert Guza is just in it for the shock factor.
I can't wait to see how this all unfolds and can't wait to see how Chad tells the story in character.

Speaking of those that care about Michael let me first tackle Carly.
I absolutely adore Carly, most of the time. She is one of my all-time favorite characters; especially when SJB originated the role and now since Laura Wright has made the role her own - but I really want to bitch slap Carly into next year never mind next week.
I get that everyone in Port Chuck is a hypocrite at one time or another and that most can be the most selfish people on the planet, but for Carly to end her marriage to Jax because he went to London to talk to Interpool on Brenda's behalf is crazy - even for Carly.
Since when is Carly insecure about any woman? We are talking about Carly, not Lulu or Liz or even Sam - when has Carly ever felt fear when it comes to another woman? NEVER. Yes, Carly hates Brenda more than she has hated any other woman in Sonny or Jax's or even Jason's life, but insecurity does not look good on Carly at all.
Carly should be thinking to herself that Jax left Brenda at the alter and humiliated her just for kissing Sonny good-bye on the docks, yet he forgave Carly not once, but twice for sleeping with Sonny. Umm, hello - kettle meet pot. She even said to Jax that she didn't want to sit around and wait to be number one in his life, even though she puts Jason and Sonny before him. I just truly wish at this point the real Jax would stand up and take his life back. This is supposed to be the same man that divorced Skye for her not telling the truth about Brenda's illness and leaving Brenda at the alter for kissing Sonny, yet he forgives and loves Carly for always putting SaSon before him. Ummm, I think Jax needs a bitch slap back to reality.
But, I guess TPTB can't tell a story of one couple - Brenda and Sonny, without ruining other couples in the process (CarJax and Lante so far).

Speaking of couples, I for one am thrilled with the idea of JaSam having a baby and feel like cutting my own eyes out instead of having to read one more comment about how TPTB never gave Liason a chance to be a family, yet they'll let Jason have a family with Sam.
GMAFB, not everything Jason does has to revolve around Liz and her kids. Liz was the one that asked Jason to hide the fact he was/is Jake's father and Jason agreed, especially after Michael was shot. So, because Liz feels Jason's life is too dangerous, he should never, ever consider having a child with his soulmate?
To me it's not a slap in the face to Liz fans, she made this happen. She chose not to be with Jason because of the danger, she wanted Lucky or Nik or whomever, just not Jason as long as he stayed a mob enforcer. That's her problem, not JaSam's.
Remember when Liz said Jason's life was too dangerous and she left him because he lied about Sonny not really being dead; yet she slapped Courtney for falling in love with Jason. Again, Liz had made her decision and it was like she expected Jason to sit around and pine for her. That is another reason in itself that makes Liz unlikable for this GH fan.
While I hope they don't kill off a child, even Jake, to help tell the story of JaSam's miracle child; I actually wouldn't mind seeing Liz having to deal with the consequences of her actions, of the rumors are true and she is the reason Jake dies. I also would like to think that both Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco would knock their scenes outta the park.
What do you guys think? Will Michael's story be told the right way? Who should feel the most guilty for what happened to him? Should Carly simply leave Jax and move on or try and fight for her man? Does JaSam's story have to revolve around Liz and her decisions?
Jasam gets way too much negativity directed at them because Liason never went where the fans wanted it to go. And Kelly Monaco in particular has to put up with a lot of hateful comments, which is ridiculous because this is a fictional world we are talking about. The actors onscreen aren't really involved with each other. LOL!