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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A touch of history, a fantabulous friendship, a non-couple that should be and so much more

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw JaSam wearing white! I almost died; I mean they are always, always wearing black!

But more than just wearing white; they were happy. They were smiling, laughing and even flirting with each other! I loved every single minute of it!

One thing that really made me love the JaSam scenes today was when Jason told Sam it reminded him of Hawaii and Hawaii reminded him of her, as their song played in the background. It was such a sweet, romantic scene. Too bad Michael had to ruin it by trying to leave the island. I hope Sam gets her wish and they return to the island for themselves some day- and soon!

I love Diane and Alexis's friendship, the two powerful women just feed off each other and I really wish they could get their own sitcom!

What I found great about their scenes today was the fact they were practically finishing each other's sentences when Claire Walsh showed up and they how they did Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide who would be the one to fire Iris; that was simply priceless.

I loved how Molly showed up at the office to talk to Diane and Diane made the comment that she was discussing a capital crime with a child. I just hope when Molly gets older and starts to have problems of her own that everyone she tries to help and protect returns the favor!

Why do TIIC have to keep teasing us with JoMax? Seeing Johnny carry Maxie into the hospital warmed my JoMax heart and longed for the pairing even more! Even with Johnny simply carrying her showed what chemistry the two have.

Can't TIIC see what a gold mine they have with this pairing? I'm sorry but SpiXie has run its course. I used to find Spinelli endearing when he first arrived in Port Charles and even during the beginning of his relationship with Maxie; but now they are B-O-R-I-N-G!

Seeing yet another daydream from "The Jackal" made me want to gag. It's tired and over done; can we please move on. Not too mention that it's getting really old that Spin thinks he needs to be dangerous in order for Maxie to see him as a hero.

That kind of thinking and insecurity should, well, doom any couple; yet SpiXie just keeps on going.

SpiXie used to be really sweet to watch they way they opened up to each other and seeing Maxie become a more mature woman. But now I really miss the old Maxie, I want the scheming Maxie back; I want the Maxie that supplied drugs to Lucky to keep him sleeping with her.

I have a feeling that Maxie could be herself with Johnny and Johnny wouldn't have to worry about not being himself around her. They are a gold mine - please, please, please let me have my JoMax!!

Okay, so first we had Lisa checking out Patrick when he was half naked in the locker room and now it's Patrick's turn and worse yet; he felt the need to explain that it didn't mean anything to him.

Hmm, if it didn't mean anything then why did he have a small flashback when he first saw her and why did he seek her out to tell her it didn't mean anything. Sorry but when you protest that much; you're guilty.

I just don't have a good feeling about Scrubs right now. They are fighting constantly. Robin has spied on Patrick feeding Lisa shots as she laid across the bar at Jake's and even saw him basically drooling Lisa as she stood in her skivvies without ever considering putting her clothes on. I mean com'on her shirt was in her hand as she and Patrick looked at the chart.

Not only is Lisa blatantly obvious; so are the writers. Why does being happy mean eventually you will have to go through angst? Why can't a couple be happy and stay happy? There are plenty of other story lines the writers can give Scrubs to keep them interesting; but that's just my opinion.

So, what did you think about JaSam? Diane and Alexis? Are you a JoMax or Spixie supporter?


  1. Hi GH Fanatic,
    It was an awesome day for Jasammers today! Since Franco came on the canvas, Jasam's classic moments came to a skidding halt. and it has been a long while that we got to see Jasam BE Jasam at its best and today we got it. The part where Sam was teasing Jason about him flirting with her brought back memories of them in the Bahamas while they were looking for Michael... Sam: "Is it my imagination, or are you hitting on me?" and Jason's comeback "It's your imagination".. lol. Jason has never smiled and laughed more, or being a smart ass cutie than when he's with Sam. and Sam grabbing his face.. how many times have we seen that in the past, whether it be lovingly holding his face and being supportive, or when they're in a teasing mood, and she would grab his face when he looks away embarrassed. lol! Just loved today, and I hope the wardrobe dept don't go bck to being all black for both of them. Why can't they wear colors? Jason used to wear light gray, or baby blue tees/shirts, and Sam used to wear colors! bright colors! and I love the mention of Hawaii, because it's them and their private safe haven where no one can blemish or tarnish it.

  2. Hey Jenny,

    I couldn't agree with you more about it being a day for JaSammers and also that Jason has never had so much life than when he's with Sam. There's just something special about this couple that brings it out in Jason.

    I just hope and pray when the whole Claudia trial is over; that Sam is Sam and not just Jason's sidekick.

  3. Glad your back to posting, i got scared for awhile lol !
    I agree with everything you said, Jasam really made me gitty yesterday, i was such a happy camper.. they reminded me of a real couple and how sexy did they both look. That is what i love about jasam, is they can do sexy but still be adorable at the same time. I enjoyed their flirting and loved jasons line about hawaii.

  4. Hi GHfanatic91!

    Yes, JaSam in white was refreshing for a change!

    I don't understand Michael breaking his neck to leave the island considering that he hid upstairs at Jason's apartment while Dante was there looking for him. If he wanted to confess so badly, why didn't he just do it then?

    Yes, Diane and Alexis need their own spin-off. Perhaps they could make a weekly 10-minute webisode using just Diane and Alexis!


  5. I like to call him Spidiot.

    There are very few people that I know that actually likes Lisa. She has no point. I hate that they are making Patrick seem like this sex deprived munich, who can't do anything unless it is Robin approved. I wonder if Patrick became a manwhore before, during or after Lisa. Does she really wnat that man?

  6. Hi Jessica!

    Sorry I hadn't blogged in a while; It seemed as though the show was basically the same conversations and was a little boring for me.

  7. Hey Paula, thanks for stopping by as usual.

    You brought up a great point about Michael; he wants to save his father so bad, but hid when Dante was at Jason's that's another WTF question for the writers LOL.

  8. Kcatlin - okay, seriously Spidiot?!?!???!?!?!? You literally had me ROFLMFAO!!!

    That is hilarious and priceless!!!

  9. Love JoMax! I have wanted them forever.
