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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kate returns, Maxie's not healthy, Claire's a hypocrite and Lante still hasn't, well you know

Finally after months of only hearing her name and one-sided conversations with people on the phone with her, Kate returns to Port Charles!

It was refreshing to see the fashionista back at Crimson all fired up like she usually is. Within seconds of her being on screen, Kate literally threatened the jobs of Lulu and Maxie since neither were at the Crimson office.

Lulu who was with Dante dropped everything to go running to the office but as Kate pointed out, she had only given Lulu five minutes and it was at least a half hour. Kate always makes me laugh when she gets all "Devil wears Prada" with Lulu and Maxie.

Unfortunately for Maxie she was in the hospital recovering from hypothermia and didn't listen to Robin or anyone and checked herself out in order to save her career. I honestly don't understand why Maxie didn't tell Lulu or Kate where she was, but I guess that would be so the writers can have Maxie get worse instead of getting better.

I am pleasantly surprised that through the years the writers have never dropped the ball with Maxie's heart transplant story. I mean when BJ died and Maxie was giver her heart, that was one of the most powerful story lines in GH history.

I guess another great part of this up coming story line with Maxie is that Georgie's ghost visits with her and helps her make decisions and to help her fight for her life. Gee, maybe if TIIC stopped killing off the great characters they wouldn't have to think of new ways to bring them back to Port Charles.

I know she hasn't been on very long, but Federal Prosecutor Claire Walsh is really a character that I would love to see get caught in the cross fire or even simply hit by a bus. I can not stand the woman.

She's a hypocrite at best. When she spouted the line that she doesn't intimidate witnesses, that's a mob tactic I literally was LOL. I mean what does she think she's been doing since she arrived in Port Charles?

Between Dante, Jason, Diane, Alexis, Carly and even Sonny, all Claire Walsh has done is gone after the people directly involved with this story line and tried to throw her weight around as a Federal Prosecutor, if that's not trying to intimidate, I must be missing something.

There's a lot of chatter all over the web that there will be a Sonny/Claire pairing after all is said and done and this Sonny fan wants no part of that! I say bring back Vanessa Marcil to reprise her role as Brenda and have Sonny live his life with his true soulmate!

Speaking of soulmates, while they aren't quite there yet, there is something very special about Lulu and Dante.
The poor couple has tried so many times to consummate their relationship but they always get interrupted; Friday was no exception. Kate called Lulu and this time it wasn't from Paris, it was from the Crimson office.
I just hope when they finally do get to do the deed that it's not a big let down. I hope TPTB give the viewers something really romantic and special. Both the viewers and Lante deserve that much.
What do you think of Kate's return? Is Maxie getting sick a good story line for the once wicked bad girl? Do you like Claire? Do you want her to be paired with Sonny? And how would you like to see Lante finally, well you know?


  1. I was really hoping Maxie would like pass out or something LOL

  2. Hey kcatlin, as always thanks for the comments.

    I have a feeling that Maxie is either going to pass out at the office or Kate and Lulu are going to make her go back to the hospital. I know that Kate is usually a major bitch to both Maxie and Lulu but she did look concerned for Maxie while she was coughing.
