Heck, I would love for these two to get their own show; it can be a night time spin-off like Night Shift. These two women have so much on-air chemistry; they deserve their own sitcom!
As far as the Lucky/Liz/Nik story line, I would love for Liz to end up with Nikolas when all is said and done. I'm pretty much over the Lucky and Liz pairing. I'm over Lucky being the father to other men's babies; products of Liz's one-night stands. I'm over Liz feeling love for someone other than Lucky (Jason or Nik) but claiming Lucky is her life.

IMO, Lik or Niz, have extreme chemistry; which I haven't seen from Elizabeth or Nikolas in a very long time. They feed off each other and have the passion both characters have been missing for years. (Sorry to the Liason/Nem fans, I never thought either pairing had ANY chemistry what-so-ever).
I would love for Nikolas to be the father of Liz's baby; that would create so many s/ls for both characters for many years. I mean Helena is Nik's grandmother and foaming at the mouth for a proper heir!

JaSam: I honestly don't want them to get married, at least not yet. What I do want for the pairing is for Sam to regain her independence. I would love for Sam and Spinelli to be working on a case and for Jason to offer his help; not always Sam offering to help Jason.
I would love for Sam to find out she's pregnant and for Jason to NOT freak out about it. I think Jason can be a good father and will definitely do his best to protect his child with Sam.
I don't think it would be a slap in the face to Liason fans because it was Liz that asked Jason to give up his son because of the danger. Sam wouldn't ask Jason to give up his child because she understands the danger of his lifestyle and actually thrives in it.
For Sonny and Dante, I would like for the two of them to eventually become civil; meaning Dante to not necessarily forgive Sonny, but understand him a little bit better and not hate him.

I think when and if Dante finds out the truth about how Claudia really died will help mend the fence between the newly found father and son duo.
I'm not saying I want them to be as close as Michael and Sonny, but to the point where Dante doesn't hate Sonny.
I also want Sonny to let go of some of the guilt he's been feeling all these years about his lifestyle and now it affects his children. The man carries around so much guilt; for those who say he never pays for his actions, he punishes himself for his choices and lifestyle, what more do you want?
I'd like to see Dante and Lulu continue their relationship and possibly get Lulu back to a more adventurous story line; I likes when she went to rescue Luke on Markam Island.
And sorry SpiXie fans, I want them to finally break up and for Maxie to finally be paired with Johnny. I really want my JoMax! Those two, given the opportunity, could totally steam up daytime! Not too mention, I think it would be interesting to see how it affects Maxie's friendship with Lulu and Sam.
There's so much more I would do with GH if I had the opportunity; like bringing back Brenda to be with Sonny; allowing Skye and Jax to reunite; bringing back Lorenzo and having him save Carly from CarJax hell.
What would you do? Who would you bring back? What couples would you reunite if you had the opportunity?