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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pleasantly surprised

I was down right shocked that Carly didn't immediately tell Sam to leave when she arrived at Jason's penthouse after her fallout with Jax. Sam has never been Carly's favorite, not after she slept with Sonny and discovered Sam was carrying his child; not too mention other than Courtney, Carly has NEVER liked any woman in Jason's life.

It was actually refreshing to see Carly acting mature towards Sam and how calm she was when she told Jason what happened between her and Jax.

I was even more surprised when Carly came back downstairs to find Josslyn in Sam's arms and was smiling the entire time.

Maybe Carly has finally accepted that Jason does love Sam and in reality, Sam is a good fit for Jason. I think Carly also knows that Sam would never ask Jason to give up his child.

It was also nice to see Carly asking Sam if she could stay with Josslyn and Morgan while she went to the hospital to talk to Sonny.

I know there are Sam haters out there that were screaming at their TV's because Sam was going to be left alone with the kids after she sat by and watched Jake being kidnapped. Maybe Carly realizes that Jason has forgiven Sam for her bad judgement. Maybe Carly understands that while it was a vile act by Sam, she was a woman scorned by the man she loved. I don't know, but regardless, it was nice to see Carly not freak out on Sam for what, the very first time?

Sam was obviously thrilled and a bit scared to be left alone with Josslyn, but it was great to see everyone smiling after all that has gone down.

Carly and Jason showed how much they truly care about their friendship today when the spoke about Jax, Michael, Sonny and Dante and for once, Carly didn't demand Jason drop everything, including Sam for her. I also didn't see any jealousy from Sam as Carly came in and said she and the kids were moving in. Maybe, just maybe, Carly and Sam will bond while Carly and the kids are living there. Or maybe as true to form one of the ladies will get jealous about the other being there. I for one would love a Carly/Sam friendship.

So which were you? Were you pleasantly surprised and happy by Carly's actions today or were screaming that Sam should never be around children?

1 comment:

  1. For me it was refreshing to see Carly not yelling at Sam for once. I think at this point Carly hates Liz more than she does Sam so she is cutting her some slack. Also I think a lot changed in the way that Carly feels about Sam after the kidnapping and Sam drove her and the baby to the hospital. I think she was grateful that Sam helped find her that night.

