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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Brotherly Love

Isn't it funny that when Ethan first found out he was Luke's son; he and Lucky did not get along; more because of Lucky, not Ethan, at least Ethan tried to get to know Lucky.

Now, the two formerly estranged brothers seem to be bonding on a daily basis; which is nice considering right now it seems as though neither of them have anyone else they can rely on.

Lucky's confidant used to be Nikolas, but obviously, considering the whole sleeping with his fiance thing, not anymore. Lulu is dealing with Dante being shot and finding out that Sonny is his father so who can Lucky turn to in his time of need - enter the brother he just found out he had.

I was a bit perturbed when Nikolas was telling Ethan about Lucky and Elizabeth's history and the night Elizabeth was raped; that was not his place. It was nice to see Lucky opening up to Ethan and seeing the two of them bond, even if it was over a few beers at Jake's.

I hope that when all is said and done; meaning when and if Lucky ever forgives Elizabeth and Nikolas that he doesn't forget about Ethan. They actually seem more alike than Lucky and Nik ever were.

Ethan is light and funny when he needs to be and sensitive and sincere when that's called for. I didn't really care for Ethan when he first showed up in Port Charles because they rewrote Luke and Laura's history to explain his existence, but ever since he and Lucky beat up Dante (when he was hitting on Lulu) he's been a breath of fresh air.

I am a bit nervous about Kristina's infatuation with Ethan though, remember when Maxie had her infatuation with Lucky. I would hope that the writers could come up with something a little new and fresh than rehashing all the same story lines.

What Kristina is going through with Keifer right now is a great story but unfortunately the writers are so consumed with Sonny and the rest of the mob right now; they're not spending enough time developing Kristina's main story.

Not that I condone any type of violence towards women, the writers opened a very powerful story and I truly hope they don't just move on without dealing with all the issues.

There are so many characters that should be involved in this storyline yet we haven't really seen them yet, here's to hoping the writers don't continue to focus strictly on mob story lines and actually do this story justice.

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