Tabs for Blog

Monday, February 8, 2010

Anger and alcohol, don't try this at home kids

What do you get when an angry, drunk cop and an angry, drunk mobster meet at Jake's? A confrontation with a gun, that's what.

Lucky, still at Jake's after his conversation with Nik, sees Liz and approaches her. At first I thought he was going to welcome her back with open arms because of how calm he was, until he asked what made her think it was a good idea and that she was humiliating herself.

I loved when Lucky made the comment that he was just "the babysitter" that was hilarious, because it's true; while Liz was pining for Nikolas or in his bed, Lucky or Audry were with Cameron and Jake. Lucky pretty much set up the "Who's the Daddy" s/l when he asked Liz if her and Nik had used protection.

As Liz went on and on about how it was a mistake and it's never going to happen again or that she talked with Luke and basically "yada yada yada, blah blah blah"; Lucky broke into another phenomenal speech about her lies and betrayal, the one line that bothered me was when Lucky held up his bottle of beer and said, "I have this, it takes the edge off just enough so I can sleep at night." I couldn't believe the gall Liz had to say that she couldn't picture her life without Lucky in it; umm, you think you should have thought about that before you started banging Lucky's brother?!?!?

After Liz finally leaves, Lucky continues to drink and throws his "cop" weight around on Coleman by asking him a bunch of questions about Niz. What made me laugh at that scene is that Coleman actually gave Lucky the information he wanted; as if Coleman would really be afraid of the PCPD with Sonny and Jason as his protection.

Meanwhile, Johnny had gone to see Olivia at the hospital and was actually happy to see her, he even brought her something to eat; which brought up a total random comment from Olivia.
"I should be watching my weight."

Anyway, so Johnny finds out that both Dante and Olivia covered for Sonny and basically figures he's a dead man.

"Are you friggin' kidding me," asked the junior mobster. Johnny knows that if the truth about Dante is out so is the truth that he knew about Dante all along. He asks Olivia if she ever gave a thought about what would happen to him when Jason and Sonny figured out he's a traitor.

So off Johnny goes, to Jakes, where guess who he runs into, yup, Lucky.

Both are drinking and both are angry. Gotta love Johnny's not-so-subtle sarcasm towards the PCPD. The line of the day, "To the PCPD, huh. Raise a glass and kiss my ass."

Unfortunately, Lucky didn't find Johnny humorous at all and the last straw was when Johnny took Lucky's beer for himself and said it was skunky. Yup, a couple more comments about the PCPD coupled with his beer being drunk by another was all it took for Lucky to hold a gun to Johnny's head. Can we say, abuse of power?

Wonder how Lucky's gonna feel about that when he finally sobers up, or will he even care?

Stay tuned folks, because angry, drunk Lucky doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon.

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