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Monday, February 15, 2010

History; can be powerful ....

....if it's shown at the right time for the purpose of telling a story and rewriting history doesn't come into play along with it.

While I've enjoyed the flashbacks of Lucky and Elizabeth, I don't particularly enjoy seeing the aftermath of Liz's rape on a daily basis.

It's as if the writers want us to feel bad for her because she was raped when she was 15. No offense, but her being raped all those years ago have nothing to do with why she cheated on Lucky. It's almost diminishing the history between the two.

I do however enjoy seeing the other scenes the two of them shared in the past, one scene the writers may have thought to show would have been when Lucky and Liz exchanged their vows at the church on Valentine's Day before Lucky "died" in the fire. Instead we get endless mention of the rape.

I did enjoy the flashback of Lucky climbing out Liz's window and when Lucky asked Liz to be his girl, those two scenes showed the innocence and young love LL2 shared way back when.
If the writers are trying to recapture the love the young couple once shared they may not want to keep showing the rape scenes. Being raped does not excuse adultery and that's the road it seems the writers are trying to take.
If anything, being raped would not make Elizabeth willing to sleep with different men, it would make her jaded and un-trusting towards the men in her life.
After Lucky returned from "the dead" Liz tried a relationship with Jason, but it never really got started and then she ended up with Ric and then ironically had Zander's child; then she and Lucky find their way back to each other, yet she ends up having Jason's child. Again she and Lucky find their way back to each other and yet again she finds herself in the bed and arms of another man, Nikolas.
Do these sound like the actions of a woman that is still haunted by the rape she suffered through at the age of 15? They don't to me, never have and never will.
I don't understand how Elizabeth saying that she ruined her past with Lucky constitutes showing the flashbacks of the rape, the rest of their history; yes! But definitely not the rape.
The rape storyline was one of the more powerful story lines of this couple's history, but the writers are the one diminishing it by showing it now that Elizabeth has been caught cheating and lying.
Do you think the writers are over doing it? Is the rape more important to this story than what is actually happening? Do you think the writers are using the flashbacks to show Liz in a more favorable light?

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