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Friday, February 5, 2010

Pot meet kettle, rather, Liz

If the writers are trying to get me to sympathize with Elizabeth during her so-called emotional breakdown; they may want to start with her NOT calling out a random mother at the hospital because her son had an accident. They also may want to scratch the whole "Who's the Daddy" storyline.

In her first episode she begs everyone to stop whispering behind her back, when in reality NO ONE was talking about her - gee, in your head much? And the second time she attacked an innocent mother for her son having an accident with a stove. I mean com'on seriously, how many of us have burnt something or ourselves on the stove - as adults never mind kids. Not too mention how many times did Liz drop her kids off at Audrey's so she could go get it on with Jason or Nikolas? Yeah, that's mother-of-the-year material right there. How about when she woke Cam and Jake up in the middle of the night so she could run off to stop Nikolas from leaving Port Charles?

Those aren't "breakdowns" IMO; they are a woman who's feeling guilty for her actions and lashing out at others so they will sympathize with her or some how it will take away from her own sins. I'm not buying it.

In the previews for next week, Liz is supposed to have yet another so-called public breakdown, this time at Kelly's where Jason will be the one to comfort her. I'm really sick of Nikolas and now apparently Jason, protecting her. She screwed up and in a big way. She deserves what she gets.

As far as the WTD s/l, why? Seriously, WHY must the writers subject us to yet another recycled story just because the actress is pregnant in real life? While I'm thrilled for Rebecca Herbst and her family, I really don't need to see it on screen - AGAIN.

This is a repeat of a couple of years ago; just change out Jason for Nikolas and here we go. Not too mention as @mobprincess2714 said on Twitter; Nikolas is falling into the same storylines as well - stealing another man's woman. First it was Emily, whom he took from Zander; then it was Courtney, who was married to Jax and now Elizabeth who was engaged to his brother.

Same old Liz and Nik and thanks to the writers; it's lather, rinse, repeat - just change a couple of characters. At least this time they didn't destroy two or more couples to have Liz end up pregnant. In reality, Liz really wasn't that invested in her relationship with Lucky this time around so did they really destroy a couple? It's not like when they destroyed Zander and Emily or Jax and Courtney, Sam and Jason, Lucky and Liz and Ric and Alexis; now those were completely, utterly demolished.

Okay, enough of my ranting. What are your thoughts? Do you sympathize with Liz? If the writers are determined to do the "Who's the Daddy" storyline, who would you rather the father be Lucky or Nik? Can Liz be redeemed?


  1. via Twitter:

    mobprincess2714 @GHfanatic91 I like the blog even though I like Liz, I do agree with your points and can see them

    mobprincess2714 @GHfanatic91 @mendie22 I really hate people who wear rose tinted glasses when it comes to their favorites. Each & every last character on

    mobprincess2714 @GHfanatic91 @mendie22 show have done some pretty terrible stuff at one time or another. None of them are perfect saints. I hate people that

    mobprincess2714 @GHfanatic91 @mendie22 think their favorite walks on water when none of them fit that bill

  2. Ah ghfanatic91 I think the real question is does anyone care if Liz gets redeemed or not? I do not. as you already know I can not stand the character and personally i hope it's nicholas's kid just so Lucky really will have a reason to tell her to go to hell. But seeing as though they have already done the WTD s/l where Lucky wasn't the father it would seem quite stupid for that to be the same outcome so i am going to give my professional fan opinion and say it will end up being Lucky's and we will be forced to watch them in wedded dull bliss before too long. why is that liz has a way of sucking the life out of every character around her? you know i kinda feel bad for rebecca herbst being such a good actress and being stuck with a drip for a character. what they need to do is let liz do a complete 180 and maybe just maybe she will be interesting again...doubt it but you never know


  3. Great comments mendie! I agree with you 100% but unfortunately there are many Liz fans out there hate this s/l and want her to get redeemed.

    In a post earlier I put a "disclaimer" that I'm not a Liz fan, never have been, never will be. I have my own thoughts about BH and her acting ability, but I will refrain from stating them here.
