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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kristina makes a break through

I absolutely loved the sequences with Alexis and Kristina!

This mother-daughter duo is amazing!

Alexis started asking Kristina the hard questions regarding Keifer and Kristina was actually honest with her answers. I think the writers are doing a fantabulous job with this story arc and I'm glad they haven't dropped the ball and just had Alexis and Kristina act like none of this ever happened.

I was so proud of Alexis when she told Kristina, in so many words, told Kristina that she didn't need Keifer to make her feel special that she was already special without him. There are so many young and adult women that feel the men in their lives, regardless of how awful they are, are what makes them who they are. Women like Kristina will deal with abuse - physical or verbal - from their husbands, boyfriends or lovers simply because they believe their abusers regret what they did and think it's their fault that they were hit in the first place.

I love that Alexis is trying to tell Kristina that she should not be blaming herself. No matter what a woman (or child) does it does not warrant being physically abused as a punishment. There is a difference between a mother or a father spanking their child's bottom when they do something wrong than when a mother or father, husband or boyfriend raises their hand to their child, spouse or girlfriend.

I really enjoyed Kristina's visit with Sonny as well. I think this is the first real conversation the father and daughter have ever had. Hands down, regardless if you like Sonny or not, he was amazing with her!

As a viewer that is truly enjoying this storyline, I wish we could actually see some of the sessions Kristina is sharing with Lainey. I think that's an important part of the story. I think if TPTB continue to tell this story one of the best ways is to have Kristina telling her side of things to someone that is completely outside of her family and hearing what their advice is. There is so much more to this story; especially the way Kristina is going to deal with her feelings. I hope we get a ton more scenes with Alexis and Kristina and actually I think it would be great if we got a scene with Alexis, Kristina and Molly and Sam. I think the four females could really bond and help each other deal with the ramifications of Kristina's abuse.


  1. I so agree with you. Today, if not for Kristina's abuse s/l, and the Michael's disappearance scenes, I would not just ff through the whole show. Oh, and the Qs moment was really cute too. However, the rest of the show with the Shirley Smith's s/l, Nikolas/Patrick and the jury was just a yawn for me.

  2. oops! meant to say "I would have ff through the whole show" not "I would not just ff through the whole show"...
