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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So not feeling this storyline - at all

I'm sorry if I offend any Elizabeth fans here; but oh my god this storyline is so freaking boring and makes me loathe the twit even more.

While Michael Learned has been a breath of fresh air on the daytime soap; I really wish her storyline would revolve around Scrubs or anyone other than Elizabeth. The best part is we actually got to see Dr. Matt Hunter for at least five seconds!

I think part of the reason why I hate this storyline and it's boring me so much is because I know it's the writers way of trying to redeem Liz.

Sorry, but nothing at this point could redeem Liz in my eyes. The woman is horrible. I'm so sick of hearing about how bad Lucky is in their relationship but sorry to say it Liz fans, Liz is no angel!

Before all the Liz lovers try and defend her by saying that Lucky slept with her sister Sarah - yeah he did - BUT and this is a HUGE BUT - Lucky and Liz were already broken up. Was it right for Lucky to sleep with Sarah? No he wasn't, but at least he wasn't engaged to Liz at the time the way Liz was to Lucky when she was sleeping with Nikolas.

Not too mention Liz lied to Lucky about the true paternity of Jake when she knew all along that Jason was truly the bastard's father. And I do not mean bastard in the derogatory sense; Jake is a bastard, he was born out of wedlock. He is not the only bastard on GH either - Cameron is also one, along with Dante, Michael, Kristina, Spencer and practically every other child on GH.

Apparently I'm really frustrated with having to defend my opinions when it comes to Liz and her off springs. But I digress.

This story will redeem Liz in the eyes of some viewers, but for me it's a poor attempt in redemption. Liz has not paid for any of the mistakes she's made. No one in Port Charles besides Lucky and Lulu called Liz out for who she is, but Liz lovers say the whole town was/is against her.

Okay, enough of my rant.... what are your feelings on Liz and her current storyline? Are you enjoying Michael Learned?


  1. I totally agree. This whole s/l is just a snooze-fest for me. And suddenly having Liz playing all 'angel' does not jive with me. She suddenly is ALL IN LOVE with Lucky and has forgotten that she declared her love for Nikolas several times - to him, to her brother Steve and to Robin. what's up with that?

    At least if GH had shown her struggling still with her feelings for both Nikolas and Lucky, I would have found it a little more interesting, but no, she did a 180 degree turn and now life is all "roses" with her "angelic" attitude.

  2. Just had another thought and I agree that the s/l should have been given to Scrubs because first of all, it would have been so powerful to show the comparisons between Robin's HIV and her living with it, and Shirley Smith's case. Also, Shirley Smith could have shown Robin that she should live her live her life w/no fear, and to take full advantage of every day that she has and thus, having Robin 'liven' up a bit. I find her lately to be so boring, not wanting to hang out at Jakes with Patrick..feeling insecure...etc, etc... Also, imagine the conversations between both women! and even between Shirley and Patrick!

    It definitely would have brought HIV back to into focus, and we should all be reminded of that everyday.

    GH certainly missed a big opportunity on this s/l and now it's just plain boring because the focus is on Liz and nobody else. Even Shirley was brought to prop up Liz!

  3. Jenny, as always I truly enjoy reading your comments and insights and once again - you add such powerful thoughts to my blog - THANK YOU!!!

    I'm with you, had the writers had Liz struggle with her feelings I think she might have actually been, or could have been redeemed in my eyes. But the way the story is written - she was just a woman that cheated on her fiance with his own brother and that to me means nothing but whore; sorry for being blunt, but it's how I feel LOL
