1. The Kristina/Kiefer story. Unfortunately, in this day and age the story of a young teenage girl being physically abused by her boyfriend happens more often than not. I applaud GH for telling the story and how it's affecting so much of the cast. From the two main players Kristina and Kiefer to their parents, Kristina's siblings, the Spencers and everyone in between, all are nailing every single one of their scenes and are doing a great job telling this heartbreaking story. I'm looking forward to watching Kristina deal with all of her emotions. TIIC have done a great job so far, I just hope they don't drop the ball.

3. Sonny's trial for killing Claudia. Even though I know that Sonny is never going to be convicted, especially since he didn't even commit this crime, I am truly enjoying how the trial is playing out thus far. From Coleman being caught with Kate at the hotel to Maxie and Diane putting Claire in her place, the trial is actually pretty exciting compared to any trial Jason has ever been on.

4. JaSam. I never thought I could ever get behind the pairing again after the total dismantling of them a few years ago, but there is something very different about them this time around - Jason actually treats Sam as an equal and seems to respect her more this time around. I love the sweet moments between the two and even enjoy when they disagree sometimes. Not that I ever want to see them really fight, it was nice to see them in disagreement over the Kristina situation because it shows them as real and not just all fluff. Can't wait to see where they go from here.
5. Ducky. I don't even know if they have a real name yet, but I love Dante and Lucky being partners on the PCPD. They seem to gel really well and they do a great good cop/bad cop routine. I like how they feed off each other and hope they continue to build a friendship. I would love to see what happens if Dante ever accepts Sonny as his father and starts to be a corrupt cop.
6. The fact the Quartemaines are starting to get more airtime, the return of Skye and the introduction of Maya Ward - enough said.

1. The whole Liz/Nik/Lucky storyline. I was enjoying the storyline in the beginning when Lucky told Liz all the things I've been screaming at my TV about her for years, but now it's just a snoozefest. Liz loves Lucky (or so she says), Nik loves Liz and Lucky wants nothing to do with either of them. Oh and having Liz have yet another WTD s/l is just B-O-R-I-N-G!
2. Lisa Niles and Scrubs. Scrubs is having plenty of angst on their own over Robin's support of Sonny, they don't need Lisa involved at all. Let Lisa hook up with Steve or hey, here's a suggestion - how about Matt?!?!?!? When was the last time we actually saw Matt? Why would TPTB put Matt on the opening credits when he's never on screen?

4. Claire Walsh. I really could do without her. No other explanation. I just loathe her.
5. Jax. When he's on screen I just want to scream "HYPOCRITE."
That's pretty much my list of love and hate. What's yours?
That's pretty much my list of love and hate. What's yours?
I so agree with your list. :)
ReplyDeleteHowever, although I think that the Scrubs angst is really boring right now with the Lisa situation, I am holding out hope that GH will go the route of "Fatal Attraction" or "The Hand that rocks the cradle" s/l. I love suspense thrillers and I really hope that is the way it is going down the line. Scrubs need some action, as I find them boring at the moment even with Sonny coming in between them.
i totally and completely agree with ur list!
ReplyDeletei loved jasam before but i love them even more now! and i too hate the liz/nik/lucky triangle and i also was happy when everyone was telling her what i felt for years!!!