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Friday, April 9, 2010

Isn't blood supposed to be thicker than water?

Once again Lesley Lu has turned from sweet good-hearted Lulu to well, Shrewlu.

I get that she's in love with Dante, and I'm actually a Lante supporter, but this is not the first time Lulu has sided with someone other than her family.

Lulu knew that Jake was actually Jason's son and not Lucky's but she not only lied to Lucky for months, she also served as a go between for her former sister-in-law and the mob enforcer. Yeah that's what I call family loyalty.

Granted Lulu just found out that Ethan is her brother less than a year ago, but nonetheless he is her brother and the way she was screaming at Luke about Dante was simply wrong. Luke may not be father of the year material, but he is still her father and he is worried about Ethan and the way he was treated while he was in lock-up. Shrewlu needs to take a step back and realize that when all is said and done, family is what gets you through your darkest hours, not your latest fling.

Speaking of Ethan, the poor guy was wrongfully accused, not once but twice, for being the one who attacked Kristina only to be arrested for running down Kiefer when in fact it was Alexis who killed her daughter's attacker. Then Ethan while in lock-up basically ends up with the same bruises as Kristina for a crime he didn't commit.

When Kristina confronted Ethan in the hospital, it made me realize just how small she really is. She looked not only like a little kid, but every ounce of the fragile she should be at this time. And poor Ethan is getting screamed at by Kristina for something he didn't do. I for one reacted the same way he did when he questioned why she would keep accusing him of things he didn't do.

I don't know what's worse, the fact that Kristina accused Ethan of killing Kiefer or that she is still defending Kiefer after he hit her on more than one occasion. What message is General Hospital trying to send? I get that many abused women protect their attackers, but Kristina thinking that she deserved to be hit and Kiefer dying is her fault is going a little bit over the top for my taste.

I'm not even going to comment on Liz's scenes today because to me they are a waste of air-time. I'm sorry but I refuse to believe that Liz went crazy because she was cheating on Lucky. And now they are dragging out the "oh whoa is me" routine with her in the hopes of redeeming her. Well she won't and can't be redeemed in my eyes, at least not this way.
What do you think of Lulu's conversation with Luke? Was she out of line? Is Kristina's emotions and feelings a true portrayal of what abuse victims go through? What are your thoughts on Liz, redeemable or not?

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