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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When will the healing truly begin?

Ironically, the person she's know for the least amount is the one person Kristina finally felt comfortable enough to admit the truth to - Dante.

I get that she feels comfortable with him, she did even before she knew he was her brother, but I really thought Kristina would open up to Sam before anyone else. Sam has been the one person Kristina has opened up to in the past. Regardless of who the person was, I'm just really glad that Kristina finally cleared Ethan and admitted that it's been Kiefer all along.

Another thing I'm absolutely thrilled about is that Kristina told Molly the truth about what's been going on even telling her the excuses she's made for Ethan in the past. Maybe the two young girls will bond a real sisterly-friendship and support each other through the rest of this. You may ask why I think Molly needs support, well, the young girl is absolutely a romantic and looked up to Kiefer and his relationship with Kristina. She has defended him almost as much as Kristina.

As Kristina spelled out all the ugly details of her attacks, Alexis and Sonny listened with fallen hearts and tears falling from their eyes. What would you do if you were a parent and you were listening to your teenage daughter explain how her boyfriend hit her on more than one occasion? I was pleasantly surprised that Sonny didn't start screaming the minute he realized that it was Kiefer abusing his daughter and when he was talking with Jason how he was thankful he didn't have his oldest friend's son killed.

I really wanted to hit the pompous Mr. Bauer in the mouth for the way he manhandled Lucky in the cubicle where Kiefer was pretty much flat-lining. if the jackass had at least waited five more seconds he would of heard that Lucky was trying to find out who ran his son down in the middle of the road and not questioning him about what happened with Kristina. The worst part is there are more of the Bauers in real life, you know the ones that feel entitled because of their money or last name, than there are Sonnys or Jasons- mobsters.

This is the reason that I defend Sonny and Jason. They fight to protect what is theirs and those they love, yet they are ridiculed on a daily basis because of their professions. I know they kill people but they are mobsters, they aren't supposed to be innocent.
You just know that when the Bauers realize that it was Alexis that hit Kiefer they are going to try and say Kristina lied about Kiefer hitting her because she's trying to save her mother from manslaughter or some other charge the Bauers will come up with. Granted it really wasn't an accident when Alexis hit Kiefer with her car, but it wasn't premeditated. What's going to be worse for Kristina at this point - dealing with the physical and emotional abuse she's been dealing with for months at the hands of Kiefer, watching her father stand trial for a murder he didn't commit or seeing her mother brought up on charges for accidentally killing her abusive teenage boyfriend? Either way the girl is going to literally be scarred for life.

I hope I wasn't the only one cheering when Steven Webber pronounced Kiefer dead. I was thrilled! Literally, utterly and most definitely thrilled. I have to admit that Christian Alexander did a phenomenal job as Kiefer since the minute he showed up on GH. Kiefer was a character that I absolutely loved to hate. To me there is a difference in hating a character and loving to hate a character. Hating a character to me means that the character offers nothing to the story or the show. Claire Walsh and Lisa Niles are prime examples of characters that I simply hate.
On the other hand; Faith, Kiefer and even Claudia are/were characters that I loved to hate. Their characters actually added to the show and the actresses/actors that played them were phenomenal in the roles. Now Dahlia Salem or whatever her name is, is a good actress, but to me Claire is just someone I want to slap on a daily basis.
Okay, enough of my rant. What did you think of today's show? Kiefer's death? How do you think Kristina will react to the news that it was her own mother that killed Kiefer?

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