In the aftermath of Kristina getting beat up by her boyfriend Kiefer, the viewers were actually, well treated seems like the wrong word to use, but treated to some fantastic acting and wonderful scenes between family and friends, who are soon to be enemies.
Upon hearing the news that Ethan was the one who attacked Kristina, Sonny went full on mob mode. Not only did he go straight to the Haunted Star, but the mobster father figure put a gun to Ethan's back telling him he was a dead man. If not for Dante and Lucky showing up, Ethan might just have taken a bullet right then and there.
Before everyone gets up in arms about Sonny's reaction, I implore all to remember that Sonny is a father of one daughter and a mob boss. In character, Sonny did exactly what any mob boss would have done. As Kristina talked to Alexis in her hospital room about what she supposedly did wrong, Sonny was trying to make it right the only way he knows how - shoot first, ask questions later.
As Dante and Lucky begged Sonny to not pull the trigger, Sonny told his new found son to act like a brother instead of a cop and go see his sister. I was pleasantly surprised when Dante did just that. It was nice to see the conversation between the siblings, especially when Dante told Kristina she was still beautiful on the inside and what she looked like on the outside was just the ugly reminder of what had happened to her.

But one of the most heart wrenching moments was when Sonny returned to Kristina's room and talked about how much she looked like Adela. Say what you want about Sonny or even Maurice, the man brings it when it comes to the emotional stuff.
Listening to Sonny talk to Kristina and seeing Dante listening from the hall, brought tears to my eyes, literally. Sonny is a lot of things, but one thing is for sure, he loves his children, all of them, deeply and truly. Sonny is not perfect, but he tries his best to keep his kids safe and do right by them. He may not always make the best decisions, but Sonny tries to do the right thing.
As much as I love Sonny, I have to applaud Jason and the writers for bringing up Sonny and Luke's friendship in regards to Ethan. While Sonny usually always acts before he thinks, Jason is the one who actually thinks too much, sometimes he's right and sometimes he's wrong, but in this case; Jason was absolutely right in stopping Sonny from putting the hit on Ethan.

Ethan is actually innocent and Sonny has no idea. All his knows is that his daughter named Ethan as her attacker and Sonny is going to believe every word that comes out of his mouth because he has no reason to not believe her.
I'm very curious to see what Sonny's reaction is going to be when he finds out the truth. I personally have never been in an abusive relationship, but I really don't understand how Kristina can protect Kiefer. How can a young 16-year-old girl lay in her hospital bed and lie to all the people that love her to protect the boy that obviously doesn't love her.
I hope when all is said and done, Ethan gets the vindication that he deserves. Ethan, like Luke and Sonny, is not perfect, but he doesn't deserve to have the whole town thinking he beats women because Kristina is either to scared or delusional to admit it was her boyfriend that attacked her.

Speaking of Kiefer, first I really could have done without seeing the flashback Kristina had. It was hard enough seeing it the first time, but to have to see it again and again in slow motion was really painful. And what gave the punk, yes Kiefer, the right to think he could show up at the Lake House making up an excuse to see Kristina.
The way he was talking to Molly, I wanted to put my hands through my TV screen and strangle the punk. I keep calling him a punk, because, well I don't want to use the language I really want to use here on my blog. I just hope someone teaches Kiefer a lesson when all is said and done.
I also want to applaud Sam for coming clean with Alexis about what's been going on with Kristina in the past months. I may not agree with the timing of the conversation, but I'm glad that Sam opened up to Alexis even though Kristina obviously thought she couldn't.
Oh and on a side note, I absolutely love Helena! She's so blatantly devilish! I loved when she told the lab tech that she and Nikolas were going to raise the new Spencer baby to be as a Cassadine. I really didn't want the baby to be Lucky's because I don't want him to have even more ties to Liz, but I guess there's no changing it now. Ironically, I always wanted Jake to be Lucky's instead of Jason's and now I wish the baby to be would be Nik's instead of Lucky's. UGH, guess we have more LnL2 coming our way some where down the line.